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Departments throughout the University offer workshops and trainings to help members of our community enhance their knowledge and understanding of cultural differences, similarities, and perceptions; and provide tools that help them more effectively engage in building and maintaining a more diverse and inclusive community.

For a comprehensive listing of professional development opportunities, you can visit the Educational Offerings page on the Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s website.

Bias Incident Response System Training 

This training was developed to assist members of our community to effectively use the Bias Incident Reporting Form and system.  The class is required for Resident Advisers, University Police, Bias Incident Response Team members, and “first responders.”  Participants will explore:

Intercultural Center Programs

iLab is an inclusion learning lab that offers interactive workshops and online resources designed to support faculty, staff, and students in increasing their [inter]cultural awareness and interpersonal effectiveness. The initiative, led by the Intercultural Center, supports the University’s mission by fostering intersectional awareness and understanding and empowering all members of the Wake Forest community to become more inclusive.

To learn more about iLab programs, visit this page at the Intercultural Center Website.

Deac Allies (LGBTQ+ Center)

D.E.A.C. Allies is the central platform for education and skill building offered by the LGBTQ+ Center. The D.E.A.C. Allies approach centers LGBTQ+ voices across intersections of identity and focuses on the facilitation of narrative sharing, the generation and acquisition of knowledge, and the development of practical skills for participants.

To sign up for a Deac Allies training, click here and search “Allies”.

Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (RIDE)

Wake Forest University is committed to being a learning community that values and upholds the humanity of all people. Through our intentionally inclusive practices and policies, we will continue to actualize our vision of Realizing Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity. As an institution, we have adopted the RIDE Framework as our guidepost for Inclusive Excellence. Through our individual commitments, departmental and organizational actions, and institutional accountability, we move forward into a better and more inclusive Wake Forest University.

To get started with RIDE, visit this page at the Office of Diversity and Inclusion website.

The Women’s Center

The Women’s Center strives to create an educational and professional environment that supports women and promotes gender equality. They provide many professional development and leadership opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. Feel free to drop in to Benson 314 to learn more.

Find out more about programs and workshops at the Women’s Center.