Report a Bias-Related Incident
If you need to report an emergency, do not use the bias reporting form. Instead, call the Wake Forest University Police at 336-758-5911 or Dial 911.
When reporting bias incidents, please also note the following:
- Your trust is important to us and we will take reasonable effort to respect and protect your privacy.
- We would like to provide care and outreach. We strongly encourage anyone reporting an incident provide either a phone number or an e-mail address so that we may contact you if there is a need for clarification or if additional questions or concerns arise. Should you choose to report anonymously, we will follow up to the best of our ability.
To report a bias-related incident, please click the button below:

If this is an emergency and you are in need of immediate assistance or consultation, contact WFU Police at 336.758.5911.
Confidential Resources
Deacon Health:
Counseling Center:
Chaplain’s Office
Safe Office
Confidential Resources
Contact on-call medical and counseling professionals 24 hours a day by calling:
Deacon Health: 336.758.5281
Counseling Center: 336.758.5273
The Safe Office provides 24/7 crisis response for concerns related to interpersonal violence:
Safe Office: 336.758.5285
Chaplain’s Office: 336.758.5210
Contact the Employee Assistance Program at 336.716.5493.
Anonymous Reporting Options
University Police Silent Witness Form
Submit anonymous information regarding a suspicious person, any suspicious activity, or a crime that has occurred on or off campus.
You can also connect to University Police with the WakeSafe App.
Compliance Hotline
Anonymously report any known or suspected violations of laws or of Wake Forest University policies or regulations.